
Why you should never stop working out


According to an article I recently read. It stated that people who workout should never stop working out. If you stop working out abruptly negative physiological changes will arise. The better shape you're in the more extensive the effects. The first thing that deteriorates is stamina and the ablitiy to take up oxygen. After at least 2 weeks of not working out your performance will drop by 10%.

You won't see the changes at first but your image in the mirror will change with time. Your body composition will change. You'll lose muscle mass and start retaining fat. Loss of muscle mass equals loss in strength. As your body composition changes because of long periods of inactivity, illness from diabetes, cardiovascular disease to joint and ligament problems. When blood circulation and oxygen saturation deteriorates, this can lead in worst case scenario dreary and depressed.

If you want to decrease on the amount your training do it gradually. Try to work out on a weekly bases. You don't have to be in shape, just for the health benefits.

Source (in swedish): http://www.gymgrossisten.com/inspiration/artiklar/darfor-ska-du-inte-sluta-trana?c_rid=51wx015PT8BWaDg-367987372|51508268&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ggse_160303&utm_content=standard

Fit N' Big Tip

If you want to get back into training like you did before laying off. Start slow with cardio, to get your stamina and gradually go over to combine weight training. You don't want to shock your body then you'll be more susceptible to colds and injuries. Because your body is already under stress of working out and repairing itself.

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